
Showing posts from July 24, 2020

Editing - Steps to take when editing!

You finished writing your book, and you wonder what's next? I am here to help you take your book to the next step and start editing!           I struggled a lot before I learned the best way to edit my book so I wouldn't struggle as much as used to.       I heard many times that pantsers have a bit more work to do when it comes to editing, unlike plotters. But, I believe that with the steps I will enlist you will edit your book with ease! First Stage First step      The first thing I do when I finish my manuscript (the way to call your unpublished book) is that I alter it.      This is what I usually go through that you also may have experienced - I don't focus too much on the grammar when I am writing. I am more focused on the execution of the story so that any idea wouldn't leave my mind when I am inspired. That being said, there are always so many words that weren't spelled right, there are sentences that...